Log Locations

Common Log Locations:
Apache Access Logs:
Domain access logs:
Site and service error logs:
SuExec audit log:
SuPHP audit log:
Service status:
Access and user actions:
Cpanel Error Logs:
Database Logs
MySQL database logs:
PostgreSQL database logs:
(see exim )
Fatal errors:
Incoming mail queue:
Exim Messages rejected based on ACLs or other policies:
Exim Delivery and receipt:
IMAP, POP login attempts, transactions, fatal errors and spam scoring:
Mailman Logs:
Ftp Logs:
/var/log/xferlog (symlinked to /usr/local/apache/domlogs/ftpxferlog)
Most other logs:
SSH Logs:
Additional cPanel Logs
Log file location Description Cpanel installation logs /var/log/cpanel-install.log Cpanel License Logs /usr/local/cpanel/logs/license_log Cpanel Login Logs /usr/local/cpanel/logs/login_log cPHulk Brute Force Logs /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cphulkd.log Cpanel/WHM Accounting (account creations, deletions, etc) Logs /var/cpanel/accounting.log Cpanel Bandwidth Logs /var/cpanel/bandwidth/(account user name) Cpanel/WHM Service monitor Logs /var/log/chkservd.log Cpanel Stats Daemon Logs /usr/local/cpanel/logs/stats_log Cpanel backup Logs /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpbackup Update (UPCP) Log /var/cpanel/updatelogs/update-(TIMESTAMP).log cPanel/WHM webalizer/awstats logs /usr/local/cpanel/logs/stats_log cPanel/WHM version checking /usr/local/cpanel/version SquirrelMail /var/cpanel/squirrelmail RoundCube /var/cpanel/roundcube/log Horde /var/cpanel/horde/log tailwatchd log /usr/local/cpanel/logs/tailwatch_log EasyApache Build Logs /usr/local/cpanel/logs/easy/apache/ Tomcat Logs /usr/local/jakarta/tomcat/logs/catalina.err /usr/local/jakarta/tomcat/logs/catalina.out ModSecurity Logs /usr/local/apache/logs/modsec_audit.log /usr/local/apache/logs/modsec_debug_log Named/Bind (DNS) logs /var/log/messages
cPanel Log Locations Poster: