CPanel Scripts

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cPanel has a bunch of scripts in the /scripts folder.

For most of them, you can run: /scripts/script_name_here --help to see what the script does. (Except for upcp... --help is not available for it.)


/scripts/whowns - Tells you which cPanel account owns the specified domain.

/scripts/upcp --force - Updates cPanel (use with caution)

/scripts/pkgacct user - backs up the entire specified cPanel account, including databases, e-mail, settings, etc. Replace "user" with the cPanel username to backup.

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/checkallsslcerts - Checks All SSL certificates.

Mail sizes showing incorrectly? Try this:
/scripts/generate_maildirsize --confirm --allaccounts --verbose $USER

Check RPMs and possibly re-install: