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== MySQL ==
== MySQL ==

[[MySQL#Performance_Tuning MySQL Performance Tuning]]
=== Performance Tuning ===
'''1. First, Check innodb and myisam settings'''
Run the below to get the size of data in INNODB and MYISAM tables:<br />
<pre>mysql -e 'SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE Engine, count(*) "# of Tables", concat(round(sum(table_rows)/1000,2),"K") "Rows", concat(round(sum(data_length)/(1024*1024),2),"M") "Size of Data", concat(round(sum(index_length)/(1024*1024),2),"M") "Size of Indexes", concat(round(sum(data_length+index_length)/(1024*1024),2),"M") "Total Size", concat(round(sum(index_length)/sum(data_length)*(100),2), "%") "% Data in Indexes" FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY engine ORDER BY sum(data_length+index_length) DESC LIMIT 10;'</pre>
In /etc/my.cnf, change:<br />
<code>innodb_buffer_pool_size</code> - set this to the value from the Total column, innodb row.<br />
<br />
'''Note:''' if server has lots of RAM, and lots of data, set the innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1G, then set innodb_buffer_pool_instances = 4  (or smaller, or larger, depending on RAM) Also note that this will set the buffer pool size as 1G, and break that 1G into 4 chunks (It will NOT create 4, 1GB pools.)
<code>key_buffer_size</code> - set this to the value from the Index column, myisam row.
'''2. Opens'''
a.) Get the total number of tables on the server:<br />
<code>find /var/lib/mysql -name '*.frm' | wc -l</code>  - Example output: 4568
b.) Set table_open_cache variable in /etc/my.cnf to 30% of that number<br />
Example, based on the above number: <code>table_open_cache = 1371</code>
c.) Set open_files_limit to three times the corrected value of table_open_cache<br />
Example: <code>open_files_limit = 3951</code>
You can check to see if this value is good by running <code>mysqladmin stat</code>. That command will show the number of Opens, and the number of Open tables. Ideally, these numbers should be identical.
=== MySQL Error log ===
To check the MySQL error log, run:<br />
<code>mysql -e "show variables like '%log_error%';"</code>
This will show the location of the MySQL error log, which you can then grep, tail, etc. (You're looking for stuff like innodb errors, disk space issues, connection messages, etc)
=== View MySQL Variables ===
You can view the variables that MySQL is using with:
<code>mysql -e "show variables like 'max_connections%';" </code> - This shows the max_connections variable. You can substitute any MySQL variable here.
This is helpful for database connection errors, or if a change to /etc/my.cnf isn't 'sticking' (In that case, look for other my.cnf files)
=== View Currently Running Queries ===
<code>mysqladmin process stat</code> - This will show the queries that are running, how many threads, Open tables, slow queries, and a bunch of other helpful stuff. (Note that you can "tail -f" by running: <code>watch mysqladmin process stat</code> )

Revision as of 03:08, 12 May 2017