
From Psygen Wiki
Revision as of 03:03, 19 December 2016 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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i goes into insert mode

Esc goes back to command mode.


Saving and Exiting vim

ZZ Save and exit vim

:w Write the file to disk, stay in vim

:w !sudo tee % Saves the file, even you don't have permission to write to the file (do this instead of closing the file, opening with sudo, and re-doing your changes)

:wq Save the file and exit vim

:q</code Quit vim (Note: if you've made changes, you'll get a message that the file has changed. To quit without saving changes, use: :q! )

Navigating Within the Document

/string search forward for string

?string search backword for string

CTRL + f scroll forward one screen

CTRL + b scroll backword one screen

% go to the "mate", if one exists, of the parenthesis, brace, or bracket.

Manipulating Text

u undo the latest change

:earlier 15m reverts the document to how it was 15 minutes ago. You can substitute any valid time instead of 15m.