Workstation Setup
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Additions to .bashrc:
# Some applications read the EDITOR variable to determine your favourite text # editor. So edit the line below with the editor of your choice :-) export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim #alias alias dir='ls -lAh --group-directories-first' alias vi="vim" alias cls="clear" alias svi="sudo vim" alias ping='ping -c 3' alias mv='mv -iv' alias cp='cp -iv' alias rm='rm -Iv' alias zypper='sudo zypper' alias wget='wget -c' #Fancy colored prompt, that shows full working path PS1="[\e[1;34m\u\e[m@\e[0;35m\h\e[m]:\w \$ "
- Tux the penguin. Sized for an app launcher icon (48x48).
SSH Settings
Edit /etc/ssh/ssh_config
and add (or un-comment) the line(s):
StrictHostKeyChecking no
- You won't have to type in "yes" every time you connect to a new host.
ServerAliveInterval 60
- Sends "keep-alive" packets to prevent the session from timing out.